Medically Unexplained Symptoms may be Related to the Individual's Underlying Breathing Efficiency
Medically unexplained symptoms are complex, however an overlooked reason for these symptoms may be related to the individual's underlying breathing efficiency (breathing pattern disorder or sleep disordered breathing). Breathing efficiently involves the three dimensions of breathing in combination with nasal breathing:
- Biochemical - BREATHE LIGHT – carbon dioxide tolerance and breathing volume matches biological requirements (avoiding over breathing)
- Biomechanical – BREATHE LOW - using breathing muscles correctly
- Psychophysiological – BREATHE SLOW - slowing speed of breathing in order to influence the autonomic functioning of the body and bring calmness to the mind
- Breathing in and out of the nose whilst sleeping, resting and moving
Inefficient breathing is common in medically unexplained symptoms, chronic disease & frequent attenders. How we breathe matters and we can change how we breathe.