European Society for Integrative Medicine
ESIM is an international association with the aim to facilitate the advancement of science, research, education and further training, to support best and evidence based medical care and to provide advice on policy in the realm of Integrative Medicine (the interaction between conventional and complementary medicine based on evidence based results).
This includes holding the annual European Congress for Integrative Medicine and conducting dialogue with professional health care and public health associations and institutions.
The society is part of a global movement to orient care, and the education, research and policy that support it, towards a model that draws on biomedical, complementary and traditional medicine practices and respects multiple philosophies. The ESIM was one of the founding organisations that developed The Berlin Agreement: Self-Responsibility and Social Action in Practicing and Fostering Integrative Medicine and Health Globally: Berlin Agreement
The work of the ESIM is altruistic and seeks to be for the benefit of the general public.