
The Complementary Medical Association

The CMA is a not-for-profit organisation which means that any funds they raise, through membership fees, book and product sales or donations are invested straight back into the organisation.

A great part of their work consists of referring public and conventional medics alike to CMA registered practitioners so that they can be assured that treatment will be delivered by a highly qualified, insured practitioner who adheres to a strict Code of Ethics and disciplinary procedure. They call this the "CMA Referrals Scheme".

In addition, they are able to help members of the public who wish to train in the complementary medical field to access their Registered Training Schools and Colleges.  They provide assistance to Schools who wish to have their courses Registered and Accredited by The CMA.

They work closely with the conventional medical profession as they ultimately believe that the most important person after all, is the patient, and they believe that by presenting the patient with good, accurate information about complementary medical approaches they can make responsible informed decisions about their own health care.  It is important to remember that both complementary and conventional medicine have a great deal to offer - when used appropriately, justifiably and responsibly. Ultimately, the freedom to choose one's own health care is a vital human right which should be protected.


Organised by Progressive Communications Ltd in association with The College of Medicine:



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