British Society for Integrative Oncology (BSIO)
The British Society for Integrative Oncology (BSIO) is the leading professional organisation for integrative oncology in the UK. Their goal is to promote the integration of orthodox and complementary medicine to improve the lives of people affected by cancer.
For professionals, the BSIO facilitates communication, provides resources for education, and disseminates research and evidence to promote effective holistic care. BSIO committee members do not necessarily support all the policies or practices of the members of BSIO, who represent a diverse range of philosophical perspectives and professional backgrounds. They are, however, committed to encouraging balanced debate and discussion and to helping patients make more evidence-informed decisions, which take account of their preferences and enable them to benefit from nutrition, lifestyle approaches and some complementary therapies, where appropriate, alongside their conventional care.
For people affected by cancer, BSIO provides links to news, events and resources for support and information.