British Herbal Medicine Association
The British Herbal Medicine Association was founded in 1964 to advance the science and practice of herbal medicine in the United Kingdom. It promotes the use of herbal medicinal products manufactured to pharmaceutical standards to ensure consistently high quality and effectiveness for the consumer.
The British Herbal Medicine Association has represented the interests of herbal medicine in the United Kingdom for almost 50 years. It was founded at a time of increasing regulatory control, when herbal medicine in this country faced an uncertain future, and played an important role in convincing the government of the day to include provisions for the herbal industry and profession in the Medicines Act 1968.
Members of the Association include manufacturers of herbal medicines, herbal practitioners, companies involved in the supply of herbal raw materials and extracts, academics, pharmacists, retailers and students of phytotherapy. The Board endeavours to support the members through a range of activities and keeps a close watch on legislative developments affecting herbal medicine, liaising with regulatory authorities, industry forums and the media, providing advice and comment on new EU or UK legislation and guidelines, and commenting on specific issues.
Objectives of the British Herbal Medicine Association
- To defend the right of the public to choose herbal medicines and to be able to obtain them freely.
- To promote high standards of quality and safety in herbal medicines.
- To advance the science and practice of herbal medicine by modern techniques.
- To encourage wider knowledge and recognition of the value of herbal medicine.
- To foster research in phytotherapy, exploring the vast potential of medicinal plants.