Dr Ollie Hart
Dr Ollie Hart is a GP from Sheffield. He is the clinical director for the local Primary Care Network, Heeley Plus, covering 42000 patients.
He has a core professional interest in person centred care. Across the last 10 years he has held a range of national roles in this area, Co-chairing NHS England’s strategy board for supported self-management, a national champion for Royal College of GP in their Collaborative Care and Support Planning program, Clinical lead for personalized Care for NHS Sheffield, and member of South Yorkshire Social Prescribing Board.
He is a Director for Peak Health Coaching a company that specialises in health coaching training and organisational development for person centred care. PHC was the first company nationally to be accredited for Health Coaching training by the NHS’s Personalised Care Institute, and has trained over 2000 people in coaching skills.
He is one of 2 global health and wellbeing Ambassadors for parkrun.
If not at his standing desk, Ollie is most at home running or biking in the Peak District.