Dr Olivia Lesslar
Dr Olivia Lesslar is an Australian medical doctor with expertise in psychoneuroimmunology. She holds several positions with innovative medical practices and companies internationally including Medical Director of Functional and Longevity Medicine at brain centre Cingulum Health (Aus), Chief Medical Advisor at cold atmospheric plasma company Human Regenerator (UK), Chief Medical Officer at L’evive Labs (Malaysia), Medical Director at mind-body medicine company Liber8 (USA), Medical Director of Veteran Peace (USA), Vice-President of Women in Defense and Space Alliance (Fin), Science Director at Sens.ai neurotechnology (Can), and Medical Advisor to Everest Health - a longevity clinic in Washington DC. She is on the SAB/MAB to almost 30 companies and on an XPrize team with the Space Aging Research Institute. Her academic appointments include: Adjunct Senior Lecturer with Griffith University’s National Centre for Neuroimmunology and Emerging Diseases and a Faculty Lecturer at the Geneva College of Longevity Science.