Dr Mayoni Gooneratne
Dr Mayoni Gooneratne MBBS, BSc, MRCS, MBCAM, AFMCP, is a former NHS surgeon, the founder of Human Health and SkinFit, and the medical director of The Clinics by Dr Mayoni. She felt that conventional healthcare structures kept people moving towards illness, rather than being health facing. The services her team deliver allow an upstream level of care, to help women overcome the health blocks that stand between them and their highest potential. She has used her own medical journey and experience of training and working in the NHS, to help colleagues who want support with alternative careers. She is herself a busy mum of 3, and wife to a talented artist, and together they roam on wild holidays in the UK and abroad. Mayoni enjoys long dog walks, pottering in her garden, reading, and writing copy. She is a keen scuba diver too and loves the freedom that comes with disappearing underwater for an hour or so!