Liz Butler
Liz has been a therapist for over 23 years, originally training as a nutritional therapist. During that time, she has worked with people diagnosed with serious illness, particularly cancer, as an independent practitioner and as part of several multidisciplinary teams, for example at cancer charities, Penny Brohn Cancer Care and The Haven. After initially focusing her therapeutic work on nutrition, Liz soon realised emotional and spiritual healing were a priority need for her clients and at this point she added to her training and therapy offerings. Liz is an Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and Matrix Reimprinting practitioner, and a HeartMath Coach.
Liz has been a life-long student of spirituality and metaphysics, her interests particularly drawn towards the ‘perennial wisdom’ teachings. She is a member of the Theosophical Society and is currently studying for a Higher Diploma in Theosophy. Increasingly Liz is recognised as an advocate for the role spirituality plays in physical healing.
After completing the coaching programme with HeartMath, Liz became greatly interested in the heart and has spent several years incorporating heart-connection into her healing work with clients. She has created a model for emotional and physical healing that fully engages and utilises the transformational power of the heart: Heart Matrix Therapy. Liz is one of the pioneers of the growing ‘heartfulness’ movement and is committed to spreading the word on the healing power of the heart to as many people as possible. Later this year, together with other leaders in the UK heartfulness movement, Liz will run one of the first ever live events in the UK dedicated to the transformational power of heart connection.