Laura Marshall Andrews
Laura was an undergraduate at Southampton University. She initially trained as a Paediatrician at Kingston and Chelsea and Westminster Hospitals in London. In 1999 she qualified as a Member of the Royal College of Child Health and Paediatrics.
In 2003 Laura retrained in General Practice but has maintained a special interest in Child Health. She has three children who are now young teenagers.
Laura believes passionately that excellent primary care is the cornerstone of providing high quality health care for communities. She has a strong interest in Narrative Medicine and Integrated Medicine, and is a great admirer of the work of Dr Victoria Sweet in San Francisco.
Laura has taught medical students at Brighton and Sussex Medical Schools and has completed her training with the KSS deanery and started training new GPs at BHWC in 2014.
Laura believes learning is a lifelong habit. She learns more everyday from the people she sees in clinics than she does anywhere else.
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