Dr George Ampat
Dr Ampat works as a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon at Liverpool University Hospital Foundation Trust and as a Clinical Teacher at the School of Medicine, University of Liverpool. He is the Musculoskeletal Lead for the British Society of Lifestyle Medicine and the College of Medicine. After years of surgical practice, he now specialises in treating people with musculoskeletal problems without medications, injections or surgical interventions but with lifestyle modification. His motto is “Minimise medication, scale down surgeries and exercise enthusiastically.”
Dr Ampat is a keen researcher and has been the lead investigator in many randomised controlled trials. He has written books and has published in peer-reviewed medical journals. He is also an engaging orator and lectures both nationally and internationally. In addition, he has a YouTube channel and provides advice and therapeutic exercises for patients with musculoskeletal issues. Outside work, he enjoys time with his wife and two daughters. He derives his inspiration from his eldest daughter, Talita, who is profoundly handicapped and wheelchair-bound due to Cerebral Palsy