Andrew Sikorski
Andrew is retiring from being a part time GP. He had already explored Professor Martin Marshall's vision of 'rebuilding medicine'. Professor Marshall announced conventional medicine can treat 11% of illness during a 2019 S.E. GP Faculty presentation, shortly after his being appointed chair of the Royal College of General Practice.
Describing himself as a bloke who occasionally sits in a doctor's chair, Andrew has incorporated complementary practice within conventional NHS GP for over 20 years, diving deep.
He was asked to stop prescribing Homeopathic Drugs by the local Medicines' Management Group in 2017 and found only he could ban himself from prescribing. He has since communicated repeatedly with governing bodies, including the BMA, GMC, NHSE and health ministers determining they wholeheartedly agree Homeopathy is a safe, useful medical intervention and uphold its use and education of practitioners within the NHS through formal acquiescence to repeated legal and lawful Notices. The journey continues with awe, joy and curiosity.