2024 Workshop Programme

Acupuncture Multibeds – a way of providing affordable and high-quality acupuncture treatments

06 Jun 2024
Acupuncture , Complementary Therapy , Membership Organisation

A community or multibed clinic is a space where several patients are treated together. By seeing several patients within an hour the cost per patient can be significantly lowered and these savings can be passed on to patients or service providers. There are now over 100 multibed or community acupuncture clinics in the UK. Each clinic may be serviced by one or several acupuncturists.  

Acupuncture has been shown to be beneficial for a large variety of health problems including musculoskeletal pains, headaches, chronic pain, insomnia, digestive issues, gynaecological problems and mental health issues. Two NICE guidelines recommend acupuncture for headaches and migraine [CG15)] and chronic pain [CG193]. Conditions with some of the highest incidence and burden for the individuals and society. Numerous more Conditions are recommended by further health bodies worldwide.  

This presentation will discuss existing clinics, including some standout ones, which are linked with the NHS either by direct referrals or fully integrated into the local PCNs. We will share audit data as well as MYMOP (Measure Yourself Medical Outcome Profile, a NHSE recognized patient reported outcome tool) data from a couple of clinics. The vast majority of Acupuncturists treating in multibed clinics are trained to degree level and registered with the British Acupuncture Council (BAcC) a voluntary regulator overseen by the Professional Standards Authority. GPs can directly refer patients to BAcC registered acupuncturists as their standards are guaranteed. 


Pia Huber
Pia Huber, Acupuncturist and Naturopath MBAcC, British Acupuncture Council
Joe Jennings
Joe Jennings, Acupuncturist and Practitioner of Complementary and Alternative Medicine

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British Acupuncture Council (BAcC)

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